

We should care for and nurture Earth every day as it is our home and we are intrinsically inarguably connected to every part of it, but I am all for at least one day of as many people as possible around the world taking the time to do a little more. This Earth day I am going to finally stop eating meat to stop supporting the animal agriculture business that is destroying the Earth more than anything else we do!


Our earth is being destroyed and overcome by US. And its hurting our health too. And our animals. Everyone and everything is suffering. And I want to give back to this planet and set an example to everyone, that protecting our planet and ourselves is pretty fucking cool.


The earth inspires me everyday as I breathe , eat, sleep, work, play… I feel connected to something bigger… Through the land, trees, animals, water, soil, children, every person I meet. I can’t help finding ways to give…planting, recycling, less meat, donating to projects, volunteering my time.