
South Africa-Aurelie-Lemiere

Humanity, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. Mother Earth, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To the animal kingdom, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To all of the plants and trees, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To all sentient beings we have not mentioned, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To the benevolent beings of all reaches of the universe, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. Please join us Now. We are ready and receive you with peace and gratitude.
Brothers and sisters, it does not matter what religion or path you are on. We are One. All perspectives are True and Correct and now, love and unity is the only law. This is a time for transformation, not destruction. There is nothing to fear. This is the moment we have all been waiting for.
Brothers and sisters, it is time for this message to be shared, spoken, recorded and spread with no author needing credit. This message is humanity’s message. Love and Unity is all there is now. Everything else is a quickly disintegrating illusion. Surrender and allow the Truth to manifest here on Earth.‪
#‎voicethechange for #ubuntu #weareone‬ ‪#‎bethechange‬ ‪#‎ouinouspouvons‬ ‪#‎yeswecan‬ ‪#‎WeAllWinTogether‬ ‪#‎EnsembleNousGagnonsTous‬ ‪#‎worldpeace‬ ‪#‎peace‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎healing‬ ‪#‎forgiveness‬ ‪#‎gratitude‬ #oneness


One farmer says to me, “You cannot live on vegetable food solely, for it furnishes nothing to make the bones with;” and so he religiously devotes a part of his day to supplying himself with the raw material of bones; walking all the while he talks behind his oxen, which, with vegetable-made bones, jerk him and his lumbering plow along in spite of every obstacle.

Thoreau, Henry David

United States-Happy-Ford

We have been raping Mother Earth, it’s time we put an end to this. Without a planet, where would we be? I dedicate my life to restoring it, and leaving it to future generations. We already have over 25 trees in our yard.. I will plant fruit trees.

United Kingdom-Valery-Parry

I pledge to help every animal in the world, the sky and the ocean because for too many centuries humans have used and abused all non-human animals and continue to do say today…I will never consciously hurt or abuse any animal at any time from now on/x

Bosnia and Herzegovina-Viktor-Knežević

Sign the petitions, write the letters, hassle the politicians. Vote green, live green, breath green.

Force corporations to change their ways by exercising your power of choice as a consumer.

Boycott the greedy unsustainable, unethical companies and corporations that refuse to do the right thing.

Encourage others to learn about nature, enjoy watching wildlife, and value protecting habitats and species with which we share this planet.

To those that are asleep wake up and listen. Knowledge is power.
To those that know and care we salute you and love you unconditionally.

We will never give up the fight for the out of sight.

One World. Planet Ocean. One Love


I pledge allegiance to the Earth and to #endecocide !!!
Sign for an International Criminal Court of the Environment and Health! https://www.endecocide.org/en/sign/
Signez pour la reconnaissance du crime d’écocide


Germany-Richard-Van Camp

Let’s change the system, not the climate!
►FACT: You cant be an environmentalist unless you’re vegan !!!
Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.
Livestock is responsible for 65% of all human-related emissions of nitrous oxide – a greenhouse gas with 296 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, and which stays in the atmosphere for 150 years. Cows produce 150 billion gallons of methane per day.

Take the Climate Vegan Pledge!
All around the world, all living beings—human and nonhuman animals alike—suffer from the
impacts of global warming and extreme weather events. This is an issue that touches everyone.
We all live on this planet together!


I live in Germany, but I have no country to fight for;
my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world !!!

I recognize that I need nature.

I recognize that nature gives me the air I breathe, the food I eat, the water I drink and much, much more.

I recognize that without people like me who raise our voices to protect the planet, we’ll continue to take more from nature than nature can give.

I’m going to help turn the tide.

I pledge to protect the planet that provides.

And I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors — so they, too, can understand and appreciate nature’s value.


Activist’s Pledge:
Until the last flesh is consumed
and no more animals are born to doom
Our struggle is beside the weak
respect for life is what we seek

Until the last is forced to entertain
and no more animals are driven insane
For all those beaten to a cower
we lend our strength and our power

Until the last suffers in a cruel test
and scientific fraud is finally confessed
To those voiceless we give them word
until their agonizing cries are heard

Until the last dead skin is worn
and for our usage no animal is born
Relentless battles we must fight
until all others see compassion’s light

Until the last abuse has ceased
and existence is granted to every beast
We won’t abandon or give in
because this war we intend to win

by Janet Riddle

Until Every Cage is Empty, we will fight.
Until Every Soul is Free, we will fight.
Until There is No Suffering, we will fight.

Fight for Animal Liberation !!! on FB (https://www.facebook.com/Fight-for-Animal-Liberation-140154762706574/?ref=ts&fref=ts)


The ocean takes care of us. Now it’s our turn to return the favor. Many people are overwhelmed by all of the problems our ocean faces and wonder how they can protect our ocean and coastal plants, animals and habitats for the future. Fortunately, there are simple ways you make a difference every single day. There isn’t a person on Earth whose life isn’t impacted every single day by the ocean we share. And we won’t be able to reverse the disastrous trends we’ve seen in recent decades unless we all recognize what’s at stake. Small actions in our daily lives affect the health of the oceans that we love. Whether you live on the coast, or on a river that runs out to sea, we all depend on oceans for our survival and can help protect them by taking small but important actions every day.

No government, scientist, entrepreneur, or activist can do the job alone  —  it’s going to take all of us to save our ocean. So what are we waiting for? Let’s step up to our responsibility and get to work:
– Reduce, reuse, recycle;( especially plastic waste)
– Eat for healthy oceans (Go VEGAN)
– Carefully dispose of your cigarette butts
– Reduce your carbon footprint
– Keep toxins out of our oceans by keeping them out of your house
– Make a connection and share it
Research shows we take better care of nature if we connect with it more frequently. It also lowers stress levels and improves mood.
– Enjoy the ocean, minimize your impact

There are so many activities you can do to enjoy the ocean — surfing, swimming, scuba diving, beachcombing, sailing, paddleboarding, kayaking, fishing, powerboating. Enjoying the ocean is important, but activities need to be done responsibly to minimize your impact. Make sure to look up guidelines to doing your favourite sport responsibly.

FOR THE OCEANS ! #SEAShepherd Member


With deep gratitude I feel honoured to be existing right now on this precious planet we call earth. I feel so very blessed that I am able to surf and swim in her oceans, dancing with the waves as one. To walk in her forests breathing deeply the air that she gifts us, feeling the energy of the trees and the ancient wisdom they share.
We are one, mother nature and I.
“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the wind longs to play with your hair.” Kahlil Gibran.