

We’re a small association which uses permaculture as our basis for spreading awareness around environmental education, ecology and sustainability.

We participated in Earth Day last year and it garnered a great response, this year we’re looking to make an event out of it and invite people to plant trees at our farm in Southern Spain

United States-Muey-Saechao

Giving back to Mother Nature because she has always given me life. Slow down, take a moment to embrace her beauty and never take Her for granted. It’s not for us to take and destroy but to give back and Appreciate the gift that God has bestowed upon us.


The earth is ultimately the most precious gift bestowed upon the human race. It is profoundly tragic how much some of us have chosen to take this gift for granted. We must stop it all. It is so unnecessary. I pledge to do what I can to show through action that I don’t agree with it and that it is wrong.


Our world in its natural state is a place of great beauty, it soothes us, it fascinates us, it supports us. We not only give to Mother Earth when we give back, we give to all creatures who live here, especially ourselves.

United States-Kaitlyn-Williams

I want to give back because Mother Earth has given me, and us all, so much. I don’t want the efforts our planet has made for us to be in vein. I want to make a change we can all be proud of, one step at a time.


I was born on earth day and this year and every year after I want to give back to the earth instead of take from the earth.

United States-Nicole-Kaplan

The world has been here for us. Every day. We couldn’t exist the way we do without a planet like ours. Let’s all try to treat it a little better, not just on Earth Day, but on every day.