
United States-Paula-Dillon

The earth is our home…that we all live in. If we don’t care about it, clean it, respect it… then we may become homeless one day. We destroy our home every day by pollution, littering, etc..we need to love and be proud of our home!


Life is composed of a harmonious exchange in chemical compounds, energetic elements, and physical material. Although individually we may believe we are giving back, there’s no better way than coming together for that same noble reason and celebrating our choice to do so, thereby amplifying and enhancing that intent and initiative. xXx


Serving others
Cea mai buna strategie pentru SUCCES este sa ajuti cat mai multi oameni. Adevarata provocare in viata este sa ii ajuti sa gaseasca solutia ideala la problemele lor. Daca le intelegi nevoile, dorintele si valorile, si ii ajuti din toata inima, cu integritate si entuziasm, reusind sa faci astfel, un transfer de incredere, inseamna ca ai reusit sa faci ceva cu adevarat remarcabil. Acesta este adevaratul spirit al SERVIABILITATI. Numai iubind oamenii, se poate realiza acest lucru. Numai asa se poate obtine o lume mai buna.

United States-HeartMath®-Institute

We at the HeartMath® Institute have a deep heartfelt respect for the earth and its well-being. As we all know, the earth and its peoples are undergoing major changes. Every act of kindness and conservation counts. Let us join together around the world on this day of celebration for the earth and all the beauty it has to offer.


Everything in this universe is interconnected. All the living systems on Earth is so intricately interwoven with the Nature. Perpetuity of Human race lies in the perpetuity of our environment.


Everything in this universe is interconnected. All the living systems on Earth is so intricately interwoven with the Nature. Perpetuity of Human race lies in the perpetuity of our environment.