Archives: Infographic Quizzes

  • 18/10/2018
    It’s time for some forest facts. This infographic is full of interesting facts about forests - a habitat we are…
  • ocean plastic pollution quiz

    It may be hard to imagine an ocean so full of plastic trash it's a worldwide problem, but it’s happening.…
  • 18/09/2018
    Climate change is not only a serious threat to the natural world, but threatens our health on a daily basis.…
  • 18/09/2018
    When you think of pollution, you may be imagining large-scale causes such as factories, power plants, and all kinds of…
  • 17/09/2018
    We all use lots of energy in our day-to-day lives: from heating our homes, to kitchen appliances and charging our…
  • 11/09/2018
    Humans both affect and are affected by our natural environment, making the relationship we have with natural systems on our…
  • 07/09/2018
    Forests and trees are classified as a renewable resource since they can grow again. This makes them super important in…
  • Types of Forests

    We've all explored forests (or at least seen them on the TV!) but did you know that there are many…
  • 31/08/2018
    If you haven't learned this from all our other quizzes, forests are some of the most valuable ecological resources on…
  • 30/08/2018
    Why does the global water footprint matter? You may have heard about the ‘carbon footprint’, but the ‘water footprint’ is…